Sept 24 2024
Hello, and welcome to the Put Out into the Deep, the newsletter of Building Catholic Futures! Thanks so much to everyone who has subscribed, replied, and shared this newsletter in the first week since our launch. Below, you’ll find a report from one of our “soft launch” events and an exploration of our Futures resources.
If there are particular projects or resources from the website that you want to know more about, you can send us a quick note via the Contact Us page at And if you received this from a friend, and are not yet a subscriber, click Building Catholic Futures and fill out the Keep In Touch form to receive future updates.
Prayer Requests
How can we pray for you?
Thank You!
We want to thank you all for subscribing and supporting our mission. If you know anyone who should hear about our mission, please share the website. And please keep us in prayer.
Duc in altum! Put out into the deep!
Eve and Keith