Building Catholic Futures helps the next generation trust that the joy of the Gospel and the witness of the Church are for everyone. Young people leave the Church when they believe it has no place for them or their loved ones, so parents, educators, and priests have a duty to address young people’s questions. The Futures curriculum was created in close consultation with parents and with teachers in Catholic schools who want better ways to start conversations about the intersection between sexuality and young people’s faith and futures.
Teachers, parents, and campus ministers ask us...
How do I raise LGBT+ topics with those under my care?
How do I help gay or questioning young people to stay Catholic? How do I help their peers who may be at risk of becoming anti-gay?
How do I tell stories that will inspire and guide young people as they explore their longings and their sense of self?
How do I help older children keep an open mind toward many vocations, without pressuring them toward one?
Where can LGBT+ topics be raised other than in discussions of sexual morality or social justice?
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Educator Workshops. Futures workshops for teachers and Catholic school personnel explore the hopes, fears, and aspirations that young people bring to the Church today. We help you discern how to support and guide young people in ways that model Christlike faith and Christlike welcome. And we prepare you to transform potential conflicts--or past conflicts--into unexpected collaboration. Depending on the needs of the group, workshops can incorporate roleplaying, lectio divina, and other hands-on practice. Educators who participate in a Futures workshop receive ongoing support from the BCF team.
School Curricula. Spiritual Friendship: A classical educational curriculum designed for high school English/Language Arts or Religion classes uses texts from Scripture, medieval, and modern periods to explore the meaning of friendship and help students reflect on their own friendships.
Biographical worksheets tell the stories of real historical figures who experienced same-sex desire and found peace in Catholic faith. Discussion guides help catechists and teachers connect teens' questions to the Church's wisdom.
Classroom posters depict the role of friendship in the lives of the saints.
Parent Conversations. With the help of a resource guide developed with Catholic parents, learn how you can answer tough questions about LGBT+ people and the Catholic faith. Build your own confidence and understanding, so that the young people under your care will grow up completely confident that there is welcome and wisdom in the Church for everyone.
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