Building Catholic Journeys is a curriculum on the art of accompaniment, based on our own experience as gay and same-sex attracted Catholics helping others along the journey to Christ. The framework is inspired by Sherry Weddell’s book, Forming Intentional Disciples, to which we have added extra attention to specific challenges we have faced in mentoring LGBT+ disciples.
Ministry professionals who do evangelization and outreach ask us...How do I respond to the "hard questions" gay people ask about Jesus, the Church, and their relationship to the community?
How do I "build my Rolodex" and identify potential role models and mentors among the LGBT+ and same-sex attracted Catholics I know?
How do I hear, receive, and respond to the stories of gay Catholics and connect them to the life of Jesus and the mission of the Church?
How do I encourage people to take the next step toward Jesus, no matter their state in life or current relationship to the Church?
How do I reach out to LGBT+ people who have left the Church or ignored Christians as irrelevant?
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The full Journeys curriculum can be done as a four-day workshop, as a series of several shorter sessions, or as stand-alone talks. We share examples of fruitful encounters with those whom we have accompanied, and help you build confidence by thinking through your approaches to LGBT+ people.
Click here to bring BCF to your diocese, parish, or school.