Put Out into the Deep
Jan 7 2025
Hello, and welcome to the Put Out into the Deep, the newsletter of Building Catholic Futures. This coming Sunday, we celebrate one of our patron saints: January 12th is the anniversary of the passing into new life of Saint Aelred of Rievaulx.
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Spiritual Friendship
From Aelred's Spiritual Friendship dialogues...
On Jonathan and David
Jonathan, that excellent youth, paying no heed to a royal crown or to the hope of regal power, entered upon a covenant with David. He made the servant, David, an equal in friendship in the Lord. He preferred him to himself, when David was driven into flight before Saul, when he was hiding in the desert, when he was condemned to death, when he was destined for slaughter; thus Jonathan humiliated himself and exalted his friend. “You,” he said, “shall be king, and I will be next after you.” O mirror most excellent of true friendship! Marvel of marvels! … That most loving youth, preserving the laws of friendship, brave in the face of threats, patient before reproaches, despising a kingdom because of his friendship, unmindful of glory, but mindful of grace, declared: “You shall be king, and I will be next after you.”
On the Beloved Disciple
To Peter he commended his Church; to John, his most beloved Mother. To Peter he gave the keys of his kingdom; to John he revealed the secrets of his heart. Peter, therefore, was the more exalted; John, the more secure. ...Peter, therefore, was exposed to action, John was reserved for love [.]
Sweet feasting and sweet friendship to you all! Please remember us in your praying and know that we are remembering you as well.
Eve and Keith